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I am Drowning In My Dream

7:54 AM | Labels: , |

It is cold, in this October rain
I go to turn on TV
Sit on the couch feeling blue
Wait till the phone starts to ring
I start to think you forgot
Just as you always do

I don't want to hear your excuse bla bla bla,
'cause it all makes my day turn to gray

Feeling bored, it starts to haunt me again
I start to discover some clues
Wondering what you have done
Everything went really bad
I starts to feel very mad
Just as I always do

I don't want to hear your excuse bla bla bla,
'cause it all makes my day turn to gray

The time passes me by
As I listen to lullaby
When the phone start to ring
I am drowning in my dream

It is cold, in this October rain
I go to turn on TV
Sit on the couch feeling blue
Wait till the phone starts to ring

I start to think you forgot
Just as you always do
